An Interspiritual-Interfaith Work of Arem Nahariim-Samadhi
All is welcome here...
Living in Love beyond Beliefs
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*Fleurs et végétaux, Zed the Dragon, Flickr.
I pray so to remain sensitive to the delicate touches of Spirit.
*Lotus of the Heart (AREM .). Facebook. March 21, 2012.
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Poet Arem Nahariim-Samadhi, of Lotus of the Heart, shares lyrics on touching Presence by touching Nature.
*Spring Again, Pixelsandpaper, Flickr.
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From whence arises this Love that Loves spontaneously, effortlessly, and gracefully, without any loving feelings? What is this Love? This Loving?
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Persons can go to YouTube, Lotus of the Heart, to see a 3-Minute Introduction and Welcome to Lotus of the Heart. The Introduction and Welcome is the featured video and will automatically begin playing upon accessing the Lotus channel.